
Our History

    As early as 1781, many Friends gathered in the North Deep Creek area. Members from Deep
River Monthly Meeting of Friends located near High Point, would meet with Friends here. By 1783,
Friends were requesting to hold a meeting among themselves.
    A brush arbor located west of the present Yadkin Country Club was a gathering place for
worship services. This was located on Daniel Vestal's land. By 1789, a one-room log structure was
placed in a grove of trees at the present site. This land was given by John Bond, the earliest recorded
minister of Deep Creek.
    In 1793 Deep Creek was granted monthly meeting status under the supervision of Deep River
Meeting. A list of 65 names composed the first membership roll. Across the road is an old graveyard
with many rough stones that date as far back as the 1700's. A new cemetery was started in the 1800's
and a new section was added to this in the 1900's.
    The first school house (Bond School) was built in 1835. It was southeast of the present church.
This was the location of the "infamous shoot-out" where the homeguard surprised conscientious
objectors and draft dodgers. In 1893, a new school house (Deep Creek School) was built with two
rooms beside the old graveyard. A school term at this time was four months in length. School was
taught at this location until 1935.
    About one hundred years or so after the first meetinghouse was built, a frame building was built
with the pulpit in the north end and two doors in the south end. A pointed steeple housing the bell was
over the entry. Stories have been passed down through the generations telling how members working in
the field would hear this bell mid-week, would stop work, and walk to the church to sit in silent worship for
an hour. Many times no words were spoken, but you could spot tears on cheeks as they spent time with
    Sunday school and the first organized choir was established in 1887. We now have an adult
choir, young adult choir, and handbell choir. Several members are able to share with instruments, solos,
duets, trios, and quartets. We encourage members and visitors to share their musical gifts.
Through out the years, Deep Creek Friends Meeting has helped establish other Friends
Meetings including Hunting Creek, Forbush, Union Cross, East Bend, Winthrop, Harmony Grove, and
Pilot View.
    In 1963 a parsonage was built enabling the Meeting to have a full-time pastor.
Members participate in community projects helping the hungry, homeless, and the sick. We are
involved in Friends missions and disaster relief projects with some of our members traveling to work
overseas or in stricken portions of the United States. All this we enter into enthusiastically, along with
enjoying the fellowship of worshipping and serving our Lord in the local meeting.
With over 200 years of Quaker witness in the North Deep Creek Community, we still are bound
with faith and vigor.