Our Values
We are a fellowship centered in Jesus Christ, and led by the Holy Spirit. Worship is a celebration of adoration and obedience to God through listening, music, and the spoken Word.
We believe the Truth is found in our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, as the living Word of God and in the Bible as the written Word of God.
We seek to encourage by ministering to spiritual, physical, and emotional needs.
By ministering to the whole person’s immediate needs, we strive to help people find Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, both here and abroad.
Together we become Christ-like servants by continuing to develop our personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and by knowledge of scripture.
We believe that all we have comes from God and belongs to God. We seek to encourage each other to be good stewards of God's resources of time, energy, and finances. We believe in the Biblical concepts of tithing and giving our best to God to support the local and broader church.

Our Christian Beliefs

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