What should I wear?
We have a good mix of casual and dress clothes at Deep Creek Friends. Some members dress up in dresses and suits and some like to wear jeans and shirts. The choice is yours, we are happy to worship with all.
Do you have kids services?
Please see the Youth & Children's tab.
What is your worship service like?
The typical service is around an hour long. We sing a blend of contemporary Christian songs and traditional hymns. Sometimes we have special music from a guest or our choir. We always have announcements, prayer requests and prayer. We have a short children's sermon on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Every Sunday a sermon is given usually 20-25 minutes. Usually the sermon follows a specific format or book of the Bible.
What is a Friend?
A friend or Quaker is a member of a religious group who believes you can have a direct relationship with Jesus. You can talk to him and pray to him whenever and wherever you are.

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