Small Groups
Here at Deep Creek Friends we have multiple small groups that meet every week for study and discussion.
COFFEE Group (Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everytime)
This group meets on Sunday evenings at 5:00pm.
"We are a small meeting of friends in an intimate setting participating in a variety of group studies about the Bible and The Lord."
TEA Group (Truth and Encouragement From the Almighty)
"TEA Group is a fellowship of believers that comes together for Bible Study, Prayer, and Fellowship. We strive to apply the truth of God's word to meet our deepest needs for comfort, encouragement, and hope. New members are always welcome. We always meet on Monday's at 1:00pm in the afternoon.!"
This group, of both men and women, currently meets on the second and fourth Monday's of each month at 7:00pm.
"Fusion is a house group that meets to not only further our knowledge of Scripture, but to allow us to grow in the application of Scripture to our lives. Our studies vary in topics from prayer and worship, to dealing with disappointments and spiritual disciplines."
This group has a Sunday school class every Sunday at 9:30am and occasional group events throughout the year.
Bible Study
This group meets every Wednesday at 7:00pm downstairs in the church fellowship hall. It's a study and discussion group focusing on a Book from the Bible.
For more information on the locations of the meetings, please send an email to deepcreekfriends.outreach@gmail.com.

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